Thursday, April 7, 2011

"Hi Giraffe? It's Joshua calling."

This is my nephew Joshua, no doubt brokering some multi-million dollar investment deal between a giraffe and hippopotamus. Joshua has a stellar imagination and consistently amazes my family at the things he says and does. He's only 3 but he informed my dad a couple months ago that Egypt was getting a new leader. How did he know this? No one really knows. I guess he'd been watching the news - by himself.

The point is Joshua is always learning and always coming up with new ways to amuse and entertain everyone. He's a smart kid, extremely insightful and really, really funny to boot.

Too bad he'll be an adult one day.

Kids are always amazing because they're in a constant state of curious exploration. They explore their physical environment, they're fascinated with their own toes, and they're parrots - repeating back what you say (sometimes this backfires...). They don't have to force themselves to learn, they just do. Why do they stop?

Being in marketing, I'm fascinated with human behavior and why people buy certain things. We all have criteria for why we buy what we do and more often than not, our decision hinges on whatever is the cheapest. Money means something to us. But to Joshua? Not so much. He's more interested in the sounds something makes, how fun it is to play with and whether or not he can smack it against a concrete wall or terrorize his brother with it.

Different criteria.

The point is, adults seem to lose the creativity, the fun, the amazement, the Wow, the exploration, the wonder, the delight, and the natural learning behavior that kids so effortlessly exhibit. Too bad.

Childish behavior doesn't seem to be hard to find, child-like behavior, on the other hand, is a rare commodity and it sure is fun when you find it!

Hope that deal works out Josh, I think it's gonna be a good one.

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