I am an Architect of "Wow!" and I created this little equation to explain what the blazes that means. A quick caveat: this isn't a real math equation so I'm not going to solve what's in the parentheses first. If this bothers you get over it.
But I digress...I was about to explain something of supreme significance.
The equation reads like this:
Why multiplied by What plus How multiplied by Who equals "Wow!"
Before I explain the equation let me begin by saying that I am an Architect of "Wow!" and what I do is business consulting.
You with me?
How I do business consulting is by first starting to understand the Why of each of my business owner clients. The Why is their reason for being in business. It's their vision, their values, the fire in their belly and their story. The Why is incredibly important because without it the whole enterprise doesn't work like it should. It lacks energy, direction, and oomph! On a side note, I've found that oomph is very important to business success...
Once we understand and can clearly communicate their Why, we move on to the What and the How. The What is the business itself and the How is the marketing, or the method of communicating the Why to each and every client. The interesting thing is seeing the the momentous increase of focus and clarity on the What and How once the Why is discovered. It's like turning on a light bulb in a dark room. Instead of fumbling around everything starts to make sense.
Then once those two things are in place (the Why and the What and How) we move on to the Who. The Who represents the ideal client. Who, of the 7 billion people on the planet, most want and need what you're selling? And where are they? We go find them!
(Notice I didn't say customers. I said clients. I'm not going to go into right now but I never use the word customers, always clients...)
So. Now we know the Why; we got the What and How figured out; and we got clarity on Who wants us and Who we want to serve.
Get all three of those things humming along and the result will always be "Wow!"
But wait, what does "Wow!" mean? "Wow!" is the exclamation that your client says when you have served them better than anyone else. "Wow!" means they understand you and believe and trust you. "Wow!" is the forerunner of true client loyalty and reason they shout your name from the rooftops!
And THAT my friends, is what Jason Northington does. And boy, is it fun!